pyrestart restarts the Jython interpreter. (dot) at the beginning of the line can be used in case indentation with whitespace needs to be provided (the Minecraft server removes whitespace so this is provided as a workaround).
#Bukkit block shooter plugin code
py runs a line of Python code on a Jython interpreter (each player gets their own interpreter instance). With the Jython based system, you have the ability to interact with a Jython interpreter through a telnet server, websocket server, and through chat commands ( /py, /pyload and /pyrestart).

This has the benefit that the complete Python interpreter system runs inside of the JVM, but comes with the drawback that it only supports Python 2. You can watch a Youtube video showing off some of the possibilities (also a bit outdated by now but gets the idea across). More background information on how this project came to be can be found on this blog post (a bit outdated at the moment). Contrary to other approaches, this project aims to expose the whole Bukkit API to Python, instead of only providing a few commands by hardcoding or wrapping these in a Spigot plugin. Minecraft-python is a Spigot plugin providing the ability to control Minecraft using Python.